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  • How can I change my menu?
    Please click here to access the service request form and select menu change. (you need your mealato customer ID to make this request)
  • what if my residence area is not covered by mealato delivery service?
    If you have paid already and your area is not covered, the agent will process an immediate refund and the paid amount get refunded within 8 days. (Visit our website or APP to check the delivery available location)
  • Why it takes 8 working days to get the refund?
    Our online payment gateway partner takes 7 days to credit your payment into our account, and an additional one day from our end to process the refund. (This terms for only the customers who made the payment, but the area not covered by mealato)
  • Can i hold my credit amount?
    Yes, you can use the service request and hold your service and use the credit when you request to re-start the service.
  • When I stop my service in the middle of the contract why I am getting the refund on my original end date? why not before?
    Our procurements made based on the number of customers enrolled for a month, and when customers stop in the middle of the contract our cash flow will not allow us to make an immediate refund.

MEALATO KITCHEN L.L.C    I       PO BOX - 234868       I      INDUSTRIAL AREA 5       I           AL QUSAIS     I     DUBAI        I        UNITED ARAB EMIRATES      I              04 880 3533       I               056 4155 311         I       |  |  600 56 66 76

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